From the Battalion Chief
On behalf of the firefighters of the Aromas Tri-County Fire Department, welcome to the Aromas Fire Protection District. I am proud to lead the hard-working firefighters of this well-respected firefighting institution and honored to serve you as your fire chief.
The Aromas Tri-County Fire Protection District is organized pursuant to California district law. We are funded through a portion of the annual taxes paid within the boundaries of the district throughout the county. The county fire district is a true all-risk organization.
Our responsibilities include structure and vegetation firefighting, emergency medical care and rescue, fire prevention and inspection, and hazardous materials response. Our sworn firefighters deliver these services from an array of fire apparatus.
The fire district encompasses sixty square miles, including three different county populations. We work closely with our neighboring cities and fire districts, providing and receiving mutual aid as needed. The Aromas Tri-County Fire Protection District also protects the State Responsibility Areas (SRA) within these counties under contract with CAL FIRE. In collaboration with CALFIRE, we aid in enforcing all laws, ordinances, and any rules or regulations adopted by the State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection and the State Fire Marshal relating to fires or fire prevention and protection.
Aromas Tri-County’s beautiful landscape is prone to wildfire, flooding, and other natural disasters. Your fire department trains daily and invests heavily in equipment and technology to meet the formidable challenges faced by the communities we serve. In addition, we actively manage numerous fuels reduction projects that directly impact our communities, working closely with both of our local Fire Safe Councils and supporting our Firewise community groups. From the densely populated community of Aromas to the nearby rural areas, we are committed to meeting the needs of our communities with professionalism, dedication, and pride.
We hope to meet you at one of the many community meetings and events we attend, and if you ever need us, we stand at the ready.
Yours in service,
Curtis L. Rhodes
Battalion Chief, Aromas Tri-County Fire Department