About Us

The Aromas Tri-County Fire District has a history that dates back to October 31, 1963 when it was declared a fire district with the purpose of suppressing and preventing fires.
Today the Aromas Tri-County Fire Protection District has evolved into a Full Service Non-Enterprise Special District with fire protection and life safety responsibilities for nearly 60 square miles within portions of Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties.
The District is primarily residential with light commercial and agricultural occupancies. In addition to the local population of approximately 6000, the District experiences a constant increase to assets at risk due to the major highways that traverse the District increasing the active population by hundreds of thousands per day. This exacerbates the issue of High and Very High Fire Hazard severity throughout most of the District and the interface threats to local residents.
The Fire District provides a constant daily minimum staffing of one Battalion Chief, one Fire Captain, one Fire Apparatus Engineer on the primary response engine. The fire station is located at 492 Carpenteria Rd. in Aromas CA. It houses two type 1 fire engine2, one type 3 fire engine, one utility pickup and one chiefs command vehicle. An additional CAL FIRE Type 3 wildland engine is also housed there and staffed seasonally with a 3 person crew.
As mentioned above, the Aromas Tri-County Fire Protection District is a full service fire protection and life safety fire district. Along with fire suppression and EMS the fire district personnel are trained for and respond to many other calls for service. These include but are not limited to: vehicle extrication, swiftwater rescue, hazardous materials response, public service assists, earthquake and flood response, etc. The ATCFPD also provides fire prevention education, enforcement and engineering services to the public.
The ATCFPD enjoys a cooperative fire protection agreement with the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). The ATCFPD contracts with CAL FIRE for personnel and administration. CAL FIRE is a statewide resource protection agency and is one of the largest multipurpose fire protection agencies in the United States.
The District retains local control through oversight by its five member Board of Directors. Each Director lives in different areas of the Fire District, and as such, represents the views of their constituency.
Since its inception, the ATCFPD has seen significant growth in its operation, staffing, and responsibilities. It is expected that this growth will continue and so will the need to continue to provide high quality service to the residents of our fire district.